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11th SLEIGHT Science Event: More than 200 participants for this new science week of the Graduate School Manutech-SLEIGHT
On The January 19, 2024
The Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School organised its 11th SLEIGHT Science Event from 8 to 12 January at Telecom Saint Etienne's premises (Université Jean Monnet Saint Etienne), bringing together more than 200 participants to discuss all the Manutech-SLEIGHT themes: Optics-Photonics, Machine Learning, Surface Engineering, Image Science, Artificial Intelligence and Bioengineering.
As is the case every year in January, the Graduate School got together for a science week during which students were given the opportunity to take part. They had the opportunity to discover the state of the art of research in LIBS imaging, non-linear Raman microscopy and the operation of free electron laser (FEL) facilities. Two sessions showcased students' research work: the Pitch session enabled Masters students to demonstrate their ability to give an oral presentation of their research project or topic, while the Poster session welcomed PhD students, post-docs and researchers to present the progress of their projects.
The aim of the week was to bring students and researchers together around common themes - imaging, optics, lasers, machine learning - to facilitate exchanges and to present the opportunities offered by the Graduate School to its members.
The aim of the week was to bring students and researchers together around common themes - imaging, optics, lasers, machine learning - to facilitate exchanges and to present the opportunities offered by the Graduate School to its members.
To provide students with a multi-disciplinary perspective, three researchers have been invited to present their cutting-edge research areas:
- Vincent Motto-Ros, associate professor at the Institut Lumière-Matière (UCBL, CNRS) presented the advances in LIBS imaging, used in the biomedical field, geology and industry. This imaging technique is evolving rapidly, thanks in particular to the integration of machine learning methods for data processing.
- Albert Stolow, Professor at the University of Ottawa and Chair of Molecular Photonics for the National Research Council of Canada, presented the contribution of Raman optics and microscopy to a finer, more targeted definition of materials. This technique can be applied to biological as well as geological materials.
- Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie, Head of the Insertion and Magnet Group at the Synchrotron SOLEIL (CEA, CNRS), presented the development of the Free Electron Laser (FEL), particularly in the X-ray spectral range.
Rehan JHUBOO, PhD student at Laboratoire Hubert Curien (UJM, CNRS, IOGS), successfully defended his thesis on a Machine Learning approach to the high resolution in bone imaging. His research was led by Marc Sebban (LabHC) in collaboration with Alain Guignandon (SAINBIOSE) and Françoise PEYRIN (CREATIS). The jury awarded him his PhD and he will continue his research in R&D in Lyon.
Lucas ROUSSEAU, PhD student at the Georges Friedel lab on the FLAME project funded by Manutech-SLEIGHT, and Sachin JOSHI, PhD student at the Hubert Curien lab, were awarded, in joint place, the Best Poster prize for their presentation during the Poster session.
Benjamin LECOUSTRE & Bruno ROCA-DHONT (1st year MSc OIVM-Advanced Imaging and Material Appearance students-UJM and IOGS student engineers) won the Best Pitch award for their presentation on the measurement of light scattering within human lips and lipsticks.
Shubham SHARMA (M2 - MSc OIVM-Photonics Engineering-UJM) won the award for his presentation on the optimization of the optical and magneto-optical response of an all-dielectric structure, subject on which he worked during his internship at the Hubert Curien lab.
Ariel GUERRA ADAMES, Felipe CORTES JARAMILLO, Bastian SCHÄFER and Franck SIRGUEY from the MSc in Computer Science - Machine Learning and Data Mining (M2- MLDM-UJM) won the award for their collective work on the question “Learning PDEs from Data: Can we solve the non-registration issue?”.
Vanina AMBLAS and Alexandre BEBON, engineering students at IOGS and OIVM-Advanced Imaging and Material Appearance (AIMA-UJM) master students, were recognized for their involvement in the organization of the Poster Session. They presented a poster on the present and future of food consumption and offered the opportunity to the poster session attendees to taste a “climate-friendly” buffet.
The Graduate School also recognized the involvement of the OPTICA student chapter members: Marie TRAYNAR, PhD student at the Hubert Curien lab and president of the student chapter, and Shubham SHARMA organized escape game-type activities during the poster session. They will award the winner in a coming student chapter reunion.
Each winter edition of our ScienceEvents includes workshops on the scientific axis of the programme. This year, 14 doctoral and post-doctoral students working on projects funded by the Graduate School, as well as 2 special guests, presented their work. We had the pleasure to listen to Elena GOFAS, researcher at Institut de la Vision (Paris), who presented her institute’s research on the in vivo high-resolution imaging of the retina to study neurodegenerative diseases, and Lourdes BASABE, director of the Microfluidics Cluster at the University of the Basque Country (Lascaray Research Center, UPV-EHU, Spain), who presented her teams’ research on various uses of lab-on-a-chip technology and plasmonic nanosensors.
The SSE#11 programme committee would like to thank all the speakers, participants and organisers. A huge thank you to Telecom Saint-Etienne for hosting the event on its premises, and in particular to its IT, reception and logistics teams for their invaluable help in organising this event.
We would also like to thank Saint-Etienne Métropole for their support and for making the High Technology Building (BHT) available to us.
See you at Jean Monnet University next summer from July 8rd to 12th for the 12th SLEIGHT Science Event dedicated to "Imaging in Manutech-SLEIGHT".
Thanks for their support:
The SSE#11 programme committee would like to thank all the speakers, participants and organisers. A huge thank you to Telecom Saint-Etienne for hosting the event on its premises, and in particular to its IT, reception and logistics teams for their invaluable help in organising this event.
We would also like to thank Saint-Etienne Métropole for their support and for making the High Technology Building (BHT) available to us.
See you at Jean Monnet University next summer from July 8rd to 12th for the 12th SLEIGHT Science Event dedicated to "Imaging in Manutech-SLEIGHT".
Thanks for their support:
- 202522 JAN
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3 master students awarded for their performance at the Pitch Session: Master OIVM - AIMA/IOGS and Photonics for Security Reliability and Safety (PSRS) in the place of honour.17 groups of master students pitched their directed research work to the public. They had around 5 minutes to present their approach to a particular subject on which they worked during the 1st semester.
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Master students from the AIMA/IOGS, MLDM, Photonics Engineering and PSRS master programmes presented a pitch during our winter edition of the SLEIGHT Science Event.