14 JAN
3 master students awarded for their performance at the Pitch Session: Master OIVM - AIMA/IOGS and Photonics for Security Reliability and Safety (PSRS) in the place of honour.17 groups of master students pitched their directed research work to the public. They had around 5 minutes to present their approach to a particular subject on which they worked during the 1st semester.
15 JUL
26 FEB
Master students from the AIMA/IOGS, MLDM, Photonics Engineering and PSRS master programmes presented a pitch during our winter edition of the SLEIGHT Science Event.
26 FEB
PhD students, post-doctoral fellows and special guests presented the advancement of their research works in their lab.
26 FEB
(Re)watch the presentations of the 3 guest speakers of our 11th SLEIGHT Science Event!
19 JAN