MSc in Optics, Image, Vision, Multimedia (OIVM)
iPSRS - Intelligent Photonics for Security, Reliability, Sustainability and Safety
- PSRS - Partner universities
- RADMEP - Radiation and its Effects on MicroElectronics and Photonics Technologies
- COSI - Computational Colour and Spectral Imaging
- IMLEX - Imaging & Light in Extended Reality
- AIMA - Advanced Imaging & Material Appearance
- PE - Photonics Engineering
iPSRS - Intelligent Photonics for Security, Reliability, Sustainability and Safety
- MSc in Computer Science
- MSc in Health Engineering
- Engineering schools' research tracks
- Doctoral studies
- Training through research
- Opportunities
- Admission and aid
- OPTICA student chapter
- News and about
The SLEIGHT Science Events
- SSE #14 - Metallic and metallized surfaces: innovating methods of functionalization and characterization
- SSE #13 - SLEIGHT in 2025
- SSE #12 - Imaging in Manutech-SLEIGHT
- SSE #11 - SLEIGHT in 2024
- SSE #10 - Sustainable Surface Engineering
- SSE #09 - SLEIGHT in 2023
- SSE #08 - Photonics for Health
- SSE #07 - SLEIGHT in 2022
- SSE #06 - Machine Learning
- SSE #05 - SLEIGHT in 2021
- SSE #03 - SLEIGHT in 2020
- SSE #02 - Material Appearance
- SSE #01 - Topics and stakeholders
- Manutech-SLEIGHT Awards
- Scientific conferences
- Events in partnership with Manutech-SLEIGHT
Manutech-SLEIGHT student association (ASESLEIGHT) is a group of graduate students, masters and PhDs, which aims to:
- Provide students of the Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School with opportunities to learn about regional, national, and international professional communities to which they can join.
- Promote the exchange of information relating to their scientific and technical fields of study and to the professional context likely to provide them with employment.
- Encourage informal and friendly networking, including membership of learned societies hosting student scientific associations (e.g. Student Chapters).
The ASESLEIGHT chapter will collaborate with OPTICA, organizing activities that promote awareness of optical sciences among the students and local communities in the Saint-Étienne and Lyon region, as well as coordinating workshops, courses, conferences and networking events where work and study opportunities can be shared in the field of optics.
President: Marie TRAYNAR
Secretary: Selyan ACID
Treasurer: Shubham SHARMA