MSc in Optics, Image, Vision, Multimedia (OIVM)
iPSRS - Intelligent Photonics for Security, Reliability, Sustainability and Safety
- PSRS - Partner universities
- RADMEP - Radiation and its Effects on MicroElectronics and Photonics Technologies
- COSI - Computational Colour and Spectral Imaging
- IMLEX - Imaging & Light in Extended Reality
- AIMA - Advanced Imaging & Material Appearance
- PE - Photonics Engineering
iPSRS - Intelligent Photonics for Security, Reliability, Sustainability and Safety
- MSc in Computer Science
- MSc in Health Engineering
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- SSE #13 - SLEIGHT in 2025
- SSE #12 - Imaging in Manutech-SLEIGHT
- SSE #11 - SLEIGHT in 2024
- SSE #10 - Sustainable Surface Engineering
- SSE #09 - SLEIGHT in 2023
- SSE #08 - Photonics for Health
- SSE #07 - SLEIGHT in 2022
- SSE #06 - Machine Learning
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You are here : EUR MANUTECH SLEIGHT > Master Machine Learning Data Mining (MLDM)
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MLDM - Machine Learning & Data Mining
The specialisation track in Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM) provides an original scientific position in Europe on problems related to machine learning, big data, pattern recognition, classification, modelling, knowledge extraction and data mining. These issues have a strong employability potential for students trained in the fields of data science, prediction, data analysis or decision support, as well as in the area of the Web, image and video processing, vision, health informatics, fraud and anomaly detection in text and documents, in the fields of environment, energy or biology.
- Machine Learning
- Data Mining
- Data Science
- Data Analysis
- Artificial Intelligence
- Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Applicants must hold a Bachelor of Science degree level (i.e. 180 ECTS in the European system) or equivalent in:
- computer science
- or statistics
- or mathematics
MLDM prepares students for an academic career or an activity in the R&D centers of large groups that require expertise in data science. Some examples of career prospects:
- Data Scientist
- Data Analyst
- Researcher
- Project Leader
- R&D engineer
- Consultant
- Data Engineer
- Software Engineer
- Computer Scientist
Edward Beeching (cohort 2016-2018)
Home country: United Kingdom
Current position: Research scientist
Laboratory - Company: Hugging Face
Town – Country: Lyon, France
Home country: United Kingdom
Current position: Research scientist
Laboratory - Company: Hugging Face
Town – Country: Lyon, France
Natalia Fernandes (cohort 2017-2019)
Home country: Brazil
Current position: Data Scientist
Company: Volvo Group
Town – Country: Lyon, France
Home country: Brazil
Current position: Data Scientist
Company: Volvo Group
Town – Country: Lyon, France
Andrei Mardale (cohort 2018-2020)
Manutech-SLEIGHT Attractiveness Scholarship in 2018/2019 and 2019/2020
Home country: Romania
Current position: Data Scientist
Company: Bolt
Town – Country: Bucurest, Romania
Manutech-SLEIGHT Attractiveness Scholarship in 2018/2019 and 2019/2020
Home country: Romania
Current position: Data Scientist
Company: Bolt
Town – Country: Bucurest, Romania
MSc in Computer Science - MDLM track
- For EU students, tuition fees are set to about 750€ in the first year and 500€ in the second year. Those fees do not include health and public liability insurance.
- For non-EU students, the Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus (CVEC) administrative fee must be paid. For the 2022-2023 academic year, its amount is set to 92€. This administrative fee, compulsory for all undergraduate, graduate and PhD students, includes the health insurance and access to sport and cultural facilities of the university.
Applications are made on this specific website :
- 12 JANSSE #11 - 7 master students presented with the Best Pitch award!
7 master students awarded for their performance at the Pitch Session: AIMA-IOGS, Photonics Engineering and MLDM in the place of honour.
- 02 JAN 30 MAY2024-2025: Applications for the MLDM master degree open until May
The call for applications 2024-2026 for the MLDM Master degree is open!
- 31 AUGMaster student mobility: students away around the globe
Various students from ou master's degrees received mobility grants to carry their internship in labs abroad.