MSc in Optics, Image, Vision, Multimedia (OIVM)
iPSRS - Intelligent Photonics for Security, Reliability, Sustainability and Safety
- PSRS - Partner universities
- RADMEP - Radiation and its Effects on MicroElectronics and Photonics Technologies
- COSI - Computational Colour and Spectral Imaging
- IMLEX - Imaging & Light in Extended Reality
- AIMA - Advanced Imaging & Material Appearance
- PE - Photonics Engineering
iPSRS - Intelligent Photonics for Security, Reliability, Sustainability and Safety
- MSc in Computer Science
- MSc in Health Engineering
- Engineering schools' research tracks
- Doctoral studies
- Training through research
- Opportunities
- Admission and aid
- OPTICA student chapter
- News and about
The SLEIGHT Science Events
- SSE #14 - Metallic and metallized surfaces: innovating methods of functionalization and characterization
- SSE #13 - SLEIGHT in 2025
- SSE #12 - Imaging in Manutech-SLEIGHT
- SSE #11 - SLEIGHT in 2024
- SSE #10 - Sustainable Surface Engineering
- SSE #09 - SLEIGHT in 2023
- SSE #08 - Photonics for Health
- SSE #07 - SLEIGHT in 2022
- SSE #06 - Machine Learning
- SSE #05 - SLEIGHT in 2021
- SSE #03 - SLEIGHT in 2020
- SSE #02 - Material Appearance
- SSE #01 - Topics and stakeholders
- Manutech-SLEIGHT Awards
- Scientific conferences
- Events in partnership with Manutech-SLEIGHT
The consortium of the Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School and its French and international partners (academic laboratories and companies) propose internship offers for first and second-year master students.
On this page you will find internship offers in the Manutech-SLEIGHT's scientific domains: optics-photonics, laser engineering, surface engineering, imaging, computer science, health engineering, etc.
Do not hesitate to ask directly your master coordinator to define your internship project and help you find an internhship in your favourite domains. The Graduate School’s team will also be able to help you find your match.
We also support students interested in carrying out an internship abroad or foreign students wishing to carry out an internship in one of our eight laboratories.
About the mobility grants
On this page you will find internship offers in the Manutech-SLEIGHT's scientific domains: optics-photonics, laser engineering, surface engineering, imaging, computer science, health engineering, etc.
Do not hesitate to ask directly your master coordinator to define your internship project and help you find an internhship in your favourite domains. The Graduate School’s team will also be able to help you find your match.
We also support students interested in carrying out an internship abroad or foreign students wishing to carry out an internship in one of our eight laboratories.
About the mobility grants
Words from Emmanuel
Internship in a company
Internship in a company
- 202321 AUG
3 of our scholars did their internship in renowned French labs
- 202310 MAY
Maia Sutter, 2nd year MLDM student, is doing her internship at the University of Sherbrooke
- 202304 MAY
Ranjit Kannappan, 2nd year AIMA master student, is doing his last internship at Laboratoire des Sciences du Numérique de Nantes (LS2N).
- 202321 APR
Noé Villemagne, student engineer at IOGS and AIMA master student, chose Belgium to do his master's thesis.