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SLEIGHT Science Event #7

Important information

Due to public health measures, the event took place in hybrid mode. The guest speakers were invited to present their work on site and were broadcasted via Cisco Webex, or presented remotely.


The 7th SLEIGHT Science Event featured a unique set of sessions devoted to the full range of the Graduate School research and graduate education topics with the aim to further foster interaction among the SLEIGHT community and with its partners in other research, innovation, or R&D environments. Keynote lecturers of international standard addressed system design for laser machining, dynamics of ultrafast laser-surface interaction processes, diagnosis through time resolved electron microscopy, diffractive optics, micro-optics and nanophotonics, metamaterials applied to chemistry and biology, but also the use of machine learning approaches in physics as well as the use of synchrotron radiation to explore osteocytic processes.

All SLEIGHT scientists had an opportunity to interact with their peers and present their results on recent work. Special emphasis was put on master and doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows, who were offered a full panel of presentation opportunities, including oral presentation, "pitches" on research projects, and plans for a future Manutech-SLEIGHT Student Chapter.


Steering Committee

  • Chair: Pierre CHAVEL (Head - MANUTECH SLEIGHT Educational Committee - IOGS)
  • Florence GARRELIE (Head – MANUTECH SLEIGHT Graduate School - UJM)
  • Karine MASENELLI-VARLOT (Head - MANUTECH SLEIGHT Scientific Committee - INSA Lyon)
  • Cécile ÉTIENNE (Project Manager - MANUTECH SLEIGHT Graduate School - UJM)
  • Elise FORAS (Communication Officer - MANUTECH SLEIGHT Graduate School - UJM)
  • Aurélie HIBON (Assistant - MANUTECH SLEIGHT Graduate School - UJM)


Program committee

  • Olivier BEUF (Co-leader of Sc. Axis 2 - Lab. CREATIS - CNRS)
  • Andras BORBELY (Co-leader of Sc. Axis 1 - LGF - Mines Saint-Etienne)
  • Jean-Philippe COLOMBIER (Leader of Sc. Axis 1 - Lab. Hubert Curien - UJM)
  • Nicolas CRESPO-MONTEIRO (Co-chair of the Post-Doc & Poster Sessions -  Lab. Hubert Curien - UJM)
  • Laurent DUBOST (Co-leader of Sc. Axis 3 - IREIS-HEF Groupe)
  • Laurent GREMILLARD (Co-leader of Sc. Axis 1 - Lab. MATEIS - INSA Lyon)
  • François JACQUENET (Chair of Pitch session - Lab. Hubert Curien - UJM)
  • Yves JOURLIN (Co-leader of Sc. Axis 3 - Lab. Hubert Curien - UJM)
  • Benoit MARTIN (Chair of session “From PhD to Business” - PULSALYS)
  • Guilhem MOLLON (Co-leader of Sc. Axis 2 - Lab. LAMCOS - INSA Lyon)
  • Jerémy ROUXEL (Co-chair of the PhD & Poster Sessions - Lab. Hubert Curien - UJM)
  • Marc SEBBAN (Leader of Sc. Axis 2 - Lab. Hubert Curien - UJM)
  • Laurence VICO (Leader of Sc. Axis 3 - Lab. SAINBIOSE - INSERM)