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SSE #10 - Sustainable Surface Engineering
The Manutech SLEIGHT Graduate School will hold its 10th SLEIGHT Science Event from July 3rd to July 6th 2023 in Saint-Etienne (Telecom Saint Etienne Building, Campus Manufacture), bringing together researchers and students from the Saint-Etienne Lyon site. The topic for this event will be Sustainable Surface Engineering.

Energy efficiency has been at the heart of the public debate for decades and researchers are still working on innovative solutions. Surface engineering takes a key role in determining the success of sustainable technologies: photovoltaic and thermal solar panels will play a significant part in energy transition as well as hydrogen, a promising energy carrier from a sustainable source of energy.
During this 10th SLEIGHT Science Event, the Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School shares the state-of-art in ‘Sustainable Surface Engineering’ with graduate students, academic researchers and private partners. Fundamental properties of energy transfer being governed by the properties of surfaces in contact, our guest speakers will address surface topology, coating structures, their optimization of surfaces architecture, fabrication and characterization as well as their tribologic properties in relation with energy dissipation.
The event topic addressing more specifically Hydrogen will be at the heart of the common day with the TRAMME Summer School, which will take place on Tuesday 4th July and focus on the link between hydrogen and tribology. This special day on surface development for hydrogen mobility is organised in partnership with AFM-AUM (Association Française de Mécanique – Association Universitaire de Mécanique), and the doctoral schools MEGA and MATÉRIAUX from University of Lyon.
For this 10th edition of the SLEIGHT Science Event, the Graduate School is proud to announce the participation of experts in transfer properties, solar technologies and hydrogen:
Energy efficiency has been at the heart of the public debate for decades and researchers are still working on innovative solutions. Surface engineering takes a key role in determining the success of sustainable technologies: photovoltaic and thermal solar panels will play a significant part in energy transition as well as hydrogen, a promising energy carrier from a sustainable source of energy.
During this 10th SLEIGHT Science Event, the Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School shares the state-of-art in ‘Sustainable Surface Engineering’ with graduate students, academic researchers and private partners. Fundamental properties of energy transfer being governed by the properties of surfaces in contact, our guest speakers will address surface topology, coating structures, their optimization of surfaces architecture, fabrication and characterization as well as their tribologic properties in relation with energy dissipation.
The event topic addressing more specifically Hydrogen will be at the heart of the common day with the TRAMME Summer School, which will take place on Tuesday 4th July and focus on the link between hydrogen and tribology. This special day on surface development for hydrogen mobility is organised in partnership with AFM-AUM (Association Française de Mécanique – Association Universitaire de Mécanique), and the doctoral schools MEGA and MATÉRIAUX from University of Lyon.
For this 10th edition of the SLEIGHT Science Event, the Graduate School is proud to announce the participation of experts in transfer properties, solar technologies and hydrogen:
- Audrey Soum-Glaudes (Laboratoire PROcédés Matériaux et Energie Solaire - PROMES, CNRS)
- Philippe Voarino (Institut National de l'Énergie Solaire – INES – CEA, Université Savoie Mont-Blanc)
- Alain Fave (Lyon Institute of Nanotechnologies – INL – INSA Lyon, CNRS)
- Döme Tanguy (Institut Lumière Matière - ILM – UCBL, CNRS)
- Jean-Jacques Greffet (Laboratoire Charles Fabry – Institut d’Optique Graduate School, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay)
- Pierre-François Cardey (Centre technique des industries mécaniques - CETIM Nantes)
A specific session, chaired by Franck Simon of the CIMES (Creation of Integrated MEchanical Systems) Hub (Pôle de compétitivité) will welcome industry experts to present use cases in the specific field of the event.
Young researchers will have the opportunity to present their ongoing work during the “Junior Scientists” Session on Monday 3rd afternoon. The best oral presentations will be awarded at the end of the event.
Julie Dutems, PhD student at the Hubert Curien lab, will defend her thesis in front of a jury. COUPLES, her research project, is funded by the Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School.
The 10th SLEIGHT Science Event is organised in partnership with the CIMES Hub, AFM-AUM, and the doctoral schools MEGA and MATÉRIAUX.