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Thesis Defenses
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MALBOT: Rehan JHUBOO (LabHC) defended his thesis during the SSE#11
On The January 10, 2024
Rehan Jhuboo, former PhD student at the Hubert Curien laboratory, sucessfully defended his thesis!
Rehan defended his thesis on January 10th, during the SLEIGHT Science Event #11. The jury awarded him PhD for his work on the MALBOT project (MAchine Learning for high definition BOne digital Twin). His thesis was funded by the Graduate School, as part of the 3rd Call for projects.
The jury congratulated him for his cross-disciplinary work on the improvement of image definition of bones by machine learning, in the context of patients presenting with osteoporosis. His work at the Hubert Curien lab under the supervision of Marc Sebban was completed in partnership with Alain Guignandon at the SAINBIOSE lab and Françoise Peyrin at the CREATIS lab.
The thesis jury was composed of:
He participated to 2 conferecences:
His work shows how disciplines - Computer science, Machine Learning, Imaging, Biology - can collaborate and create interdisciplinary research projects. Learn more about the project
He will be continuing his research in the private sector in Lyon.
Congratulations to him! We wish him the best for his future endeavours ! :)
The jury congratulated him for his cross-disciplinary work on the improvement of image definition of bones by machine learning, in the context of patients presenting with osteoporosis. His work at the Hubert Curien lab under the supervision of Marc Sebban was completed in partnership with Alain Guignandon at the SAINBIOSE lab and Françoise Peyrin at the CREATIS lab.
The thesis jury was composed of:
- Maria ZULUAGA, Associate Professor, EURECOM (Reporter)
- Elisa FROMONT, Professor, Université de Rennes, IRISA (Reporter)
- Anne TOURNADRE, MD-PhD, Centre hospitalier universitaire de Clermont-Ferrand INRAE (Examinatrice)
- Marc SEBBAN, Professor, Université Jean Monnet, Laboratoire Hubert Curien (Thesis Director)
- Alain GUIGNANDON, Associate Professor, Université Jean Monnet, SAINBIOSE (Thesis Co-director)
- Françoise PEYRIN, Inserm Research Director, CREATIS (Thesis Supervisor)
He participated to 2 conferecences:
- Rehan Jhuboo, Ievgen Redko, Alain Guignandon, Françoise Peyrin, Marc Sebban. Why do State-of-the-art Super-Resolution Methods not work well for Bone Microstructure CT Imaging?. EUSIPCO 2022, Aug 2022, Belgrade, France. ⟨hal-03726811v1⟩
- Rehan Jhuboo, Ievgen Redko, Alain Guignandon, Françoise Peyrin, Marc Sebban, Topology and Morphometry Guided Super-Resolution of Bone Microstructure CT Imaging, 22ème Journées Françaises de Biologie des Tissus Minéralisés (JFBTM) – La Baule-Escoublac - 27 au 29 Avril 2022
His work shows how disciplines - Computer science, Machine Learning, Imaging, Biology - can collaborate and create interdisciplinary research projects. Learn more about the project
He will be continuing his research in the private sector in Lyon.
Congratulations to him! We wish him the best for his future endeavours ! :)
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Ilemona Sunday OMEJE, former PhD student at the Hubert Curien laboratory, sucessfully defended his thesis!
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Lucas Rousseau, PhD student at the Georges Friedel lab, and Sachin Joshi, PhD student at the Hubert Curien lab, were presented the Best Poster award for their presentations during the Poster session.
- 10 JANMALBOT: Rehan JHUBOO (LabHC) defended his thesis during the SSE#11
Rehan Jhuboo, former PhD student at the Hubert Curien laboratory, sucessfully defended his thesis!
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