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You are here : EUR MANUTECH SLEIGHT > Opportunities > Mobility grants for students
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Stage Master 2
Student Mobility - Gloria in Germany
On The April 13, 2023
Gloria Isedu is doing her internship in Germany thanks to the Manutech-SLEIGHT mobility grant
Gloria Isedu, 1rst year student in the Machine Learning and Data Mining (MDLM) specialisation of the MSc in Computer Science, received the Manutech-SLEIGHT mobility grant to go do her first internship at the Institute of Transportation Systems of the German Aerospace Center in Braunschweig, Germany.
She will work at the Institute from April 11th to August 4th 2023.
The Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School's mobility grant is funded by Saint-Etienne Métropole.

She will work at the Institute from April 11th to August 4th 2023.
The Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School's mobility grant is funded by Saint-Etienne Métropole.
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