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UNIKPiML - Research project

Unveiling and Incorporating Knowledge in Physics-Guided Machine
Learning Models

PhD student: Abdel-Rahim MEZIDI


In many physical systems, the governing partial differentiation equations (PDEs) are known with high confidence, but simulating a numerical solution can be prohibitively expensive. In other contexts, PDEs are unknown (or partly known) and unveiling them from experimental data is the central goal since they could shed some lights on the underlying physical process. Recently, physics-guided machine learning models have shown to be a promising tool in both abovementioned scenarios. They rely on neural networks (NNs) to simulate the physical quantities of interest at various temporal and spatial positions. Training such NNs entails to incorporate physical constraints, usually in the form of a PDE and boundary conditions, and/or to be able to generate plausible simulated data [Raissi et al., J. Comp. Physics, 2019]. The originality of this proposal is to embrace the hard setting encountered in surface engineering, that is limited prior physical knowledge and few experimental data [Brandao et al., Entropy 2022]. To overcome both limitations, the thesis will develop a unified end-to-end framework from the physics modeling to the algorithms used for training physics-guided models:
  •  Develop novel regularization techniques (possibly in latent space [Li et al., ICLR 2021]) to incorporate partial physical constraints (e.g., conservation laws) and incertitude on prior knowledge.
  • Promote sparse methods by design to circumvent the lack of data [Frecon et al., ICML 2022], by leveraging the properties of the compositional form of NN [Verma and Pesquet, ICML 2021].
  • Discover the semantic of PDEs from few data with the dual objective of adapting to new physical environments (e.g., different surface properties or laser characteristics).

The advances made will be applied for the modeling of laser/radiationmatter interaction issues which can be impactful in many societal challenges such as in the fields of space, energy, health, ...


No publication available yet.