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- SSE #10 - Sustainable Surface Engineering
- SSE #09 - SLEIGHT in 2023
- SSE #08 - Photonics for Health
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Scientific event
On The January 20, 2023
The Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School organised its 9th SLEIGHT Science Event, from January 9th to 13th, bringing together over 260 participants around all SLEIGHT’s topics – Optics-Photonics, Machine Learning, Surface Engineering, Ultrafast Laser Processes, Image Science, Data Science and Bioengineering.
This winter edition allowed students, young scientists, academic and private researchers of the Graduate school’s consortium to discover the state of research in plasmonics and nanophotonics, SAR imaging, metal nanoparticles and colorimetry. They also had the opportunity to discover masters’ and young scientists’ research during the Pitch and Poster Sessions. As part of their training, over 160 students from the Graduate School’s master degrees participated. The objective of this week was to foster interactions between graduate students and researchers, invite internationally renowned researchers, develop new collaborations and bring together researchers from different disciplines.
A high-level scientific programme covering all SLEIGHT’s topics
The aim of the SLEIGHT Science Events is to strengthen the links between education and research activities among its members and in their scientific communities worldwide.
The 4 guest speakers presented the state-of-the-art of their work and possible applications for their research:
The 4 guest speakers presented the state-of-the-art of their work and possible applications for their research:
- Aurélien CRUT, from the Institut Lumière Matière (CNRS, UCBL), talked about experimental investigations and modelling of cooling dynamics of nanoparticles
- Florence TUPIN, from the Laboratoire Traitement et Communication de l'Information (LTCI) at Télécom Paris, gave a lecture on SAR imaging (Synthetic Aperture Radar), used by satellites to map the earth, and what techniques can be used to lower the image noise.
- Olivier MARTIN, from the Nanophotonics & Metrology Laboratory at EPFL, gave a lecture on plasmonics and how machine learning techniques can be used to manufacture nanostructures
- Alessandro RIZZI, live from the University of Milano, explained how it is difficult to measure and reproduce colours compared to what an eye can process and his research on colour reproduction.
Thomas LABARDENS defended his thesis
Thomas LABARDENS, PhD student at Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais (LNE-Cnam) and Hubert Curien laboratory, successfully defended his PhD thesis on appearance metrology and how the speckle on an object can be measured and quantified.
The jury awarded him the title of Doctor and he will follow a research path from now on.
Romain PACANOWSKI, CR, LP2N, INRIA (Reporter)
Myriam ZERRAD, IGR HDR, Institut Fresnel, Aix Marseille Université (Reporter)
Philippe LALANNE, DR, LP2N, Institut d’Optique Graduate School (Examiner)
Renée CHARRIÈRE, MCF, Ecole des Mines St Etienne (Examiner)
Florence GARRELIE, PU, Lab Hubert Curien, Université Jean Monnet (Examiner)
Pierre CHAVEL, PU (retired), Lab Hubert Curien, Institut d’Optique Graduate School (Examiner)
And the advisors and co-advisors:
Mathieu HÉBERT, MCF, Lab Hubert Curien, Université Jean Monnet, Institut d’Optique Graduate School (Co-director)
Lionel SIMONOT, MCF, Institut P’, Université Poitiers (Co-director)
The jury awarded him the title of Doctor and he will follow a research path from now on.
Romain PACANOWSKI, CR, LP2N, INRIA (Reporter)
Myriam ZERRAD, IGR HDR, Institut Fresnel, Aix Marseille Université (Reporter)
Philippe LALANNE, DR, LP2N, Institut d’Optique Graduate School (Examiner)
Renée CHARRIÈRE, MCF, Ecole des Mines St Etienne (Examiner)
Florence GARRELIE, PU, Lab Hubert Curien, Université Jean Monnet (Examiner)
Pierre CHAVEL, PU (retired), Lab Hubert Curien, Institut d’Optique Graduate School (Examiner)
And the advisors and co-advisors:
Mathieu HÉBERT, MCF, Lab Hubert Curien, Université Jean Monnet, Institut d’Optique Graduate School (Co-director)
Lionel SIMONOT, MCF, Institut P’, Université Poitiers (Co-director)
5 students awarded for their outstanding presentations
Ana Florencia JUAREZ SABORIO, PhD student at the Hubert Curien lab and Institut Lumière Matière on the ORNALAS project funded by the Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School, and Sébastien CHARLES, PhD student at the SAINBIOSE lab, were awarded, in joint place, the Best Poster prize for their presentation during the Poster session.
Vanina AMBLAS and Alexandre BEBON, engineering students at IOGS and OIVM-Advanced Imaging and Material Appearance (AIMA at Jean Monnet University-Faculty of Science and Technology (UJM-FST)) master students, and Marie TRAYNAR, OIVM-Photonics Engineering (OIVM-PE at UJM-FST) master student, were awarded the Best Pitch prize for their presentation during the Pitch Session.
The Manutech-SLEIGHT student association (ASESLEIGHT) hosted a fun activity related to the OPTICA Student Chapter during the poster session. Represented by Marie TRAYNAR (president) and Hugo BRUHIER (secretary), the student Chapter awarded Shubbam SHARMA, OIVM-Photonics Engineering master student (PE at UJM - FST), and Aidar GAFFAROV, Computer Science – Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM at UJM - FST) master student for winning the student chapter contest.
Workshops of the 3 Manutech SLEIGHT’s scientific axes rich in projects
At each winter edition, the researchers involved in the Graduate School present the progress of their projects supported by Manutech-SLEIGHT. This January edition featured the 9 PhD students and young doctors working on projects funded by the Graduate School, and 2 projects leaders’ talks. These workshops are also an opportunity to discover the state of research in other partner laboratories and to invite speakers outside the Manutech-SLEIGHT consortium. We had in particular the pleasure to listen to Angel RODRIGUEZ FERNANDEZ, live from Germany, who presented the European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser facility (X-FEL Europe).
The SSE#9 programme committee would like to thank all speakers, participants and organizers. A special thanks to Telecom Saint-Etienne, especially its IT and Welcome desk teams, who hosted the event in its amphitheatre and helped organize it, and to Saint-Etienne Métropole who hosted our lunch breaks in the Bâtiment des Hautes Technologies.
See you at Jean Monnet University next summer from July 3rd to 7th, 2023 for the 10th SLEIGHT Science Event dedicated to Sustainable Surface Engineering.
Thanks for their support:

- Lucas Rousseau presenting the FLAME project djring the Workshop of Axis 1 © UJMSSE9_WS1_Rousseau
- Martin Blanchard presenting the XDeepCell project during the SSE9 © UJMSSE9_WS2_Blanchard
- Rehan Jhuboo presenting the MALBOT project during the Workshop of Axis 2 © UJMSSE9_WS2_Jhuboo
- JUlie Dutems presenting the COUPLES project during the Worskhop of Axis 3 © UJMSSE9_WS3_Dutems
- Ilemona Omeje presenting his work on the EMIL project during the SSE9 © UJMSSE9_WS3_Omeje
The SSE#9 programme committee would like to thank all speakers, participants and organizers. A special thanks to Telecom Saint-Etienne, especially its IT and Welcome desk teams, who hosted the event in its amphitheatre and helped organize it, and to Saint-Etienne Métropole who hosted our lunch breaks in the Bâtiment des Hautes Technologies.
See you at Jean Monnet University next summer from July 3rd to 7th, 2023 for the 10th SLEIGHT Science Event dedicated to Sustainable Surface Engineering.
Thanks for their support: