Thesis Defenses | Thèse soutenue

EMIL: Ilemona OMEJE (LabHC) defended his thesis on February 12th, 2024

On The February 12, 2024

EMIL project: Ilemona Sunday OMEJE (LabHC) defended his thesis on February 12, 2024 - UJM
EMIL project: Ilemona Sunday OMEJE (LabHC) defended his thesis on February 12, 2024 - UJM

Ilemona Sunday OMEJE, former PhD student at the Hubert Curien laboratory, sucessfully defended his thesis!

Ilemona defended his thesis on February 12th. The jury awarded him PhD for his work on the EMIL research project (Numerical study of the wettability of hierarchical relief surfaces treated by femtosecond laser). His thesis was co-funded by the Graduate School, as part of the 2nd Call for Thesis Certification.


Femtosecond laser treatment can create micro- and nano-scale features on materials, but it can also lead to surface oxidation and changes in wettability over time. This thesis explores numerical modeling of surface wettability using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and molecular dynamics (MD). CFD simulations suggest that a complex multi-period relief improves wettability control on Ti-6Al-4V, while MD simulations provide insights into molecular-level wettability mechanisms. Simulations of femtosecnd laser interactions with Titanium have been also performed revealing material melting, ablation, and phase transitions, impacting wettability and oxidation processes.

The thesis jury was composed of:
  • Pascal BRAULT, Directeur de Recherche au CNRS, GREMI, Orléans, France (Reporter)
  • Guillaume GALLIERO, Professeur des Universités, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France (Reporter)
  • Anne TANGUY, Professeur des Universités, University of Lyon1, France (Examiner)
  • Christophe DONNET, Professor des Universités, Laboratoire Hubert Curien, University of Jean-Monnet, France (Examiner)
  • Patrick GANSTER, Maitre de Conferences, Ecole des Mines Saint-Etienne, France (Examiner)
  • Dmitry IVANOV, Visiting Professor, University of Kassel, Germany, chercheur à l' UJM (Examiner)
  • Tatiana ITINA, Directrice de Recherche au CNRS , Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Saint-Etienne, France (Supervisor)

He  participated to 3 conferecences during his doctorate:
  • Omeje, I. S., Itina, T., "Numerical Study of Early Oxidation Effect on Wettability of Laser-treated Surface", 9th Nanotech & Nanomaterials Research Conference, Rome, Italy, June 12-14, 2023. Poster presentation
  • Omeje, I. S., Itina, T., “Multiscale Simulation of Laser-Textured Surface Wettability: Toward Understanding the Role of Surface Oxidation and Molecular Adsorption”, Multiscale Materials Modeling (MMM10), Baltimore, MD, USA, October 2-7, 2022. Oral Presentation
  • Omeje, I. S. and Itina, T. “Numerical Investigation of Laser Textured Surface Wettability”, 7th Venice International School on Lasers in Materials Science (SLIMS), San Servolo Island, Venice, Italy, July 3-9, 2022.
Before his PhD, he was a master student at Jean Monnet University in the Surface and Interface Science and Engineering - SISE master programme (now Photonics Engineering). He did several interships in the Laser-Matter Interaction field:
  • "Modeling Wetting Properties of Several Femtosecond Laser-structured Alloys", internship with the Laser-Matter Interaction team of the Hubert Curien lab
  • "Soft X-ray Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy of Hydrogenated Monolayer Boron", intership at the Institute for Solid State Physics (University of Tokyo, Japan)
  • "Laser Surface Texturing to Create Catalytic Materials", Master's Thesis carried out at the Center for Research in Photonics at the University of Ottawa (CRPuO), Canada

Congratulations to him! We wish him the best for his future endeavours ! :)