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Awards and Recognition
Jean-Philippe Colombier, laureate of the 2023 Paul Langevin Prize! (Société Française de Physique)
On The March 13, 2024
Professor Jean-Philippe Colombier is the Axis #1 leader of our Graduate School and a member of our Scientific Committee has been awarded for his research in theorical physics.
Professor Jean-Philippe Colombier is the Axis #1 leader of our Graduate School and a member of our Scientific Committee, and part of the Laser-Matter Interaction team at the Hubert Curien lab (UJM, CNRS, IOGS). He has just been announced as the latest recipient of the prestigious Paul Langevin Prize by the Société Française de Physique! Since 1957, this Prize has been annually awarded to mid-career researchers who have achieved exceptional work in theoretical physics. The 2023 prize covered the domains of atomic and molecular physics, optics, plasmas, physical and nonlinear chemistry.
Jean-Philippe Colombier develops a theoretical activity of modeling and simulation of the ultrafast laser-matter interaction, supporting experimental developments of surface structuring, as well as observation of ultrafast excitation and relaxation in irradiated matter. His research field combines fundamental topics related to this ultrafast and non-equilibrium dynamics of photoexcited materials, with applicative strategies of surface functionalization by direct structuring and induced self-organization. By bridging nanophotonics and materials nanoscience, these highly relevant scientific themes are opening many promising avenues for surface engineering, paving the way for structuring by complexity, a field that remains largely unexplored at the nanoscale.
His work is conducted within the framework of the Laser-Matter Interaction team of the Hubert Curien lab, a group focusing on laser irradiation effects in condensed matter which are pertinent for material processing, functionalization, and fabrication. The primary objective is to spatially and temporally investigate laser-induced phenomena at ultimate scales, and explore their potential practical applications, facilitating their transfer to industrial environments.
Jean-Philippe’s activities are integrated into our Graduate School, which provides an international MSc/PhD program focused on surface engineering by ultrafast laser / light. The scientific axis #1 he is leading deals with the prediction and experimention on light-induced surface modification processes.
As stated by the SFP,
[Jean-Philippe Colombier’s] research work feeds into a teaching activity that positions Saint-Etienne as a reference in the field of surface engineering through the use of light as a functionalization tool.
Jean-Philippe will receive his award during the SFP's General Assembly planned for the 16th March 2024 at the ENS in Paris.
We extend our deepest congratulations to Jean-Philippe for receiving this prestigious honour from the physics community. This recognition not only highlights his exceptional achievements as a scientist but also reflects the dedication and excellence of our research teams.
More information on Jean-Philippe Colombier's Prize on the SFP's website (article in French).
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Professor Jean-Philippe Colombier is the Axis #1 leader of our Graduate School and a member of our Scientific Committee has been awarded for his research in theorical physics.
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