MSc in Optics, Image, Vision, Multimedia (OIVM)
iPSRS - Intelligent Photonics for Security, Reliability, Sustainability and Safety
- PSRS - Partner universities
- RADMEP - Radiation and its Effects on MicroElectronics and Photonics Technologies
- COSI - Computational Colour and Spectral Imaging
- IMLEX - Imaging & Light in Extended Reality
- AIMA - Advanced Imaging & Material Appearance
- PE - Photonics Engineering
iPSRS - Intelligent Photonics for Security, Reliability, Sustainability and Safety
- MSc in Computer Science
- MSc in Health Engineering
- Engineering schools' research tracks
- Doctoral studies
- Training through research
- Opportunities
- Admission and aid
- OPTICA student chapter
- News and about
The SLEIGHT Science Events
- SSE #14 - Metallic and metallized surfaces: innovating methods of functionalization and characterization
- SSE #13 - SLEIGHT in 2025
- SSE #12 - Imaging in Manutech-SLEIGHT
- SSE #11 - SLEIGHT in 2024
- SSE #10 - Sustainable Surface Engineering
- SSE #09 - SLEIGHT in 2023
- SSE #08 - Photonics for Health
- SSE #07 - SLEIGHT in 2022
- SSE #06 - Machine Learning
- SSE #05 - SLEIGHT in 2021
- SSE #03 - SLEIGHT in 2020
- SSE #02 - Material Appearance
- SSE #01 - Topics and stakeholders
- Manutech-SLEIGHT Awards
- Scientific conferences
- Events in partnership with Manutech-SLEIGHT
The Hubert Curien Laboratory is a joint research unit (UMR 5516) within Jean Monnet University in Saint Etienne (UJM), the Scientific National Research Centre (CNRS) and Institut d’Optique Graduate School (IOGS). The Hubert Curien Laboratory is the most important of all Saint-Etienne’s university research Lab with more than 240 people, with strong connections with other scientific structures within the University of Lyon or at national and international levels.
The Hubert Curien laboratory is addressing scientific challenges on both fundamental and applicative aspects in (1) Optics-Photonics-Surfaces with longstanding skills on radiation/laser - matter interaction and micro and nano structuration, including ultrafast laser processing and aiming at both modifying beams to functionalize or structure the matter, and structuring matter to manipulate the light in (2) Computer science, Image and Security with an expertise in the formation, understanding and analysis of images, in machine learning and complex data analysis, as well as in hardware security.
The research activity is supported by several high-tech shared technical platforms and is developed within 6 teams: Functional materials and surfaces, Laser-Matter Interaction, Materials for Optics and Photonics in Extreme Radiative Environments, Image Science & Computer Vision, Data Intelligence, and Secure Embedded Systems & Hardware Architectures. All teams are involved in Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School, as described below.
- Stéphanie Reynaud, researcher engineer at the Hubert Curien Lab © UJM384A4214.JPG
- Hubert Curien lab (UJM, CNRS, IOGS) © @UJMLabHC_ext
- Functional Materials and Surfaces © Hubert Curien LaboratoryLabHC_illus_team_Functional Materials and Surfaces
- Laser-Matter Interaction © Hubert Curien LaboratoryLabHC_illus_team_Laser-Matter Interaction
- Secure Embedded Systems & Hardware Architectures © Hubert Curien LaboratoryLabHC_illus_team_Secure Embedded Systems & Hardware Architectures
- Optics-photonics activities © LabHC - Jean Monnet UniversityLabHC_photo_optique-photonique
- © Hubert Curien LaboratoryLabHC_photo_optique-photonique2
- Optics-phonotics research activities © LabHC - Jean Monnet UniversityLabHC_photo_optique-photonique3
- Optics equipment © LabHC - Jean Monnet UniversityLabHC_photo_optique-photonique4
- Nano Saint-Etienne Platform © LabHC - Jean Monnet UniversityLabHC_photo_plateforme-nanosaintetienne
- Nano Saint-Etienne Platform © LabHC - Jean Monnet UniversityLabHC_photo_plateforme-nanosaintetienne2
- Laboratoire Hubert Curien © UdLLaboratoire Hubert Curien
- Stéphanie Reynaud, researcher engineer at the Hubert Curien Lab © UJMTEM_SReynaud
- Yaya Lefkir, researcher engineer at the Hubert Curien lab © UJMTEM_YLefkir
- LabEx Manutech-SISE, specialised in Surface and Interface Science and Engineering;
- LabEx PRIMES, dedicated to research in Physics, Radiobiology, Medical Imaging and Simulation;
- LabEx MILYON, working on problematics linked to Mathematics and Informatics, on the Lyon-Saint-Etienne site.
The laboratory acts as an active member of the EquipEx Manutech-USD with activity transfer on laser surfaces processing and beam shaping. Strong connections and common interests with the SAINBIOSE and BiiO laboratories also exist on bio-engineering, with for instance the cofounding of the company Keranova or the recent European Innovation Council funding for the LaserImplant project. The Hubert Curien Laboratory is also a co-founder of the joint laboratory LabH6 with the company iXblue.
The Hubert Curien Laboratory participates in or leads many national ANR programs and European projects, and is a member of three CNRS research federations:
- Inge'LySE, the Lyon - Saint-Etienne engineering research federation;
- FRAMA, André-Marie Ampère research federation;
- FIL, the Lyon informatics federation.
The laboratory is involved in many international partnerships, including the Center of Research in Photonics of the University of Ottawa (Canada), University of Berkeley's laboratories (USA), the University Nova-Gorica (Slovenia), the University of Palermo (Italy), Politecnico Bari (Italy), Max-Born Institute (Germany), Yale University (USA), University of Alberta (Canada), KU Leuven (Belgium), to cite a few.
The Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School covers the whole spectrum of scientific topics addressed by the Hubert Curien Laboratory, from the radiation-matter interaction and micro and nano structuration to the formation, understanding and analysis of images, machine learning, data mining, as well as hardware security. Therefore, the teams of the laboratory are involved in the three scientific axes of the graduate school.
Such developments are based on the design and the electromagnetic modelling of the interaction between waves and micro-nano-structures. Realisations classically employ common planar photolithography and associated techniques.
- N. Sharma, M. Vangheluwe, F. Vocanson, A. Cazier, M. Bugnet, S. Reynaud, A. Vermeulin, N. Destouches, Laser-driven plasmonic gratings for multiple image hiding, Materials Horizons, (2019) - IF: 12.319 (Q1)
- M. Esposito, F. Todisco, S. Bakhti, A. Passaseo, I. Tarantini, M. Cuscunà, N. Destouches, V. Tasco, Symmetry Breaking in Oligomer Surface Plasmon Lattice Resonances, Nano Letters, (2019) - IF: 12.08 (Q1)
- A. Ushkov, I. Verrier, T. Kampfe, Y. Jourlin, Subwavelength diffraction gratings with macroscopic moiré patterns generated via Laser Interference Lithography, Optics Express (2020) – IF: 3.7 (Q1)
- L. Bsawmaii, É. Gamet, F. Royer, S. Neveu, D. Jamon, Longitudinal magneto-optical eect enhancement with high transmission through a 1D all-dielectric resonant guided mode grating, Optics Express, (2020) – IF: 3.669 (Q1)
- N. Sharma, N. Destouches, C. Florian, R. Serna, J. Siegel, Tailoring metal-dielectric nanocomposite materials with ultrashort laser pulses for dichroic color control, Nanoscale, vol. 11(40), pp. 18779- 18789 (2019) - IF: 6.97 (Q1)
The thrust is to investigate laser-induced phenomena on ultimate scales, spatially and temporally, and to explore the possibilities of practical applications, accompanying their transfer in industrial environments, namely in mechanics, optics, sensing, or counterfeiting.
- R. Stoian, J. P. Colombier, Advances in ultra- fast laser structuring of materials at the nanoscale, Nanophotonics, (2020) - IF: 7.491 (Q1)
- Rudenko, A. Abou-Saleh, F. Pigeon, C. Mauclair, F. Garrelie, R. Stoian, J. P. Colombier, High-frequency periodic patterns driven by non-radiative fields coupled with Marangoni convection instabilities on laser-excited metal surfaces, Acta Materialia, (2020) - IF: 7.656 (Q1)
- Saleh, A. Rudenko, S. Reynaud, F. Pigeon, F. Garrelie, J. P. Colombier, Sub-100 nm 2D nanopatterning on a large scale by ultrafast laser energy regulation, Nanoscale, pp. 6609-6616 (2020) - IF: 6.895 (Q1)
- Y. Bleu, V. Barnier, F. Christien, F. Bourquard, A. S. Loir, F. Garrelie, C. Donnet, Dynamics of carbon dilusion and segregation through nickel catalyst, investigated by in-situ XPS, during the growth of nitrogen- doped graphene, Carbon, vol. 155(), pp. 410-420 (2019) - IF : 8.821 (Q1)
- R. Stoian, M. Bhuyan, A. Rudenko, J. P. Colombier, G. Cheng, High-resolution material structuring using ultrafast laser non-diractive beams, Advances in Physics-X, vol. 4(1), pp. 1659180 (2019) - IF: 6.805 (Q1)
- Rudenko, C. Mauclair, F. Garrelie, R. Stoian, J. P. Colombier, Self-organization of surfaces on the nanoscale by topography- mediated selection of quasi-cylindrical and plasmonic waves, Nanophotonics, (2019) - IF: 7.491 (Q1)
- Lagrange et al. 2020, Unveiling the b Pictoris system, coupling high contrast imaging, in- terferometric, and radial velocity data, Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A, vol. 642(), pp. A18 (2020) - IF: 5.636 (Q1)
- L. Giacomazzi, L. Martin-Samos, A. Alessi, N. Richard, A. Boukenter, Y. Ouerdane, S. Girard, M. Valant, S. De Gironcoli, v-P2O5 micro-clustering in P-doped silica studied by a first-principles Raman investigation, Scientific Reports, vol. 9(1), (2019) - IF: 3.998 (Q1)
- C. Hoehr, A. Morana, O. Duhamel, B. Capoen, M. Trinczek, P. Paillet, C. Duzenli, M. Bouazaoui, G. Bouwmans, A. Cassez, Y. Ouerdane, A. Boukenter, H. El Hamzaoui, S. Girard, novel Gd 3+ -doped silica-based optical ber material for dosimetry in proton therapy, Scientific Reports, (2019) - IF: 3.998 (Q1)
- T. Blanchet, R. Desmarchelier, A. Morana, A. Boukenter, Y. Ouerdane, E. Marin, G. Laffont, S. Girard, Radiation and High Tempera- ture Effects on Regenerated Fiber Bragg Grating, Journal of Lightwave Tech- nology, vol. 37(18), pp. 4763-4769 (2019) - IF: 4.162 (Q1)
- M. Royon, E. Marin, S. Girard, A. Boukenter, Y. Ouerdane, R. Stoian, X-ray preconditioning for enhancing refractive index contrast in femtosecond laser photoinscription of embedded waveguides in pure silica, Optical Materials Express, vol. 9(1), pp. 65 (2019) - IF: 3.064 (Q1)
- C. Sabatier, S. Girard, L. Mescia, A. Ladaci, T. Robin, B. Cadier, A. Boukenter, Y. Ouerdane, E. Marin, Combined Experimental and Simulation Study of the Fiber Composition Effects on its Brillouin Scat- tering Signature, Journal of Lightwave Technology, (2019) - IF: 4.162 (Q1)
- C. Rambour, L. Denis, F. Tupin, H. Oriot, Introducing spatial regularization in SAR tomography reconstruction, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, (2020) - IF : 5.855 (Q1)
- O. Flasseur, L. Denis, É. Thiébaut, M. Langlois, PACO ASDI: an algorithm for exoplanet detection and characterization in direct imaging with integral field spectrographs, Astronomy and Astrophysics - A&A, vol. 637(), pp. A9 (2020) - IF : 5.636 (Q1)
- F. GERENTON, J. Eymard, S. Harrison, R. Clerc, D. Munoz, Analysis of edge losses on silicon heterojunction half solar cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 204(), pp. 110213 (2020) - IF : 6.984 (Q1)
- HAMMOUMI, M. Moreaud, C. Ducottet, S. Desroziers, Adding geodesic information and stochastic patch-wise image pre- diction for small dataset learning, Neurocomputing, (2020) - IF : 4.438 (Q1)
- Reynaud, R. Clerc, P. Lechêne, M. Hebert, A. Cazier, A. Arias, Evaluation of indoor photovoltaic power production under direc- tional and dffuse lighting conditions, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, vol. 200(), pp. 110010 (2019) - IF : 6.019 (Q1)
- R. Sahli, G. Pallares, A. Papangelo, M. Ciavarella, C. Ducottet, N. Ponthus, J. Scheibert, Shear-Induced Anisotropy in Rough Elastomer Con- tact, Physical Review Letters, vol. 122(21), pp. 214301 (2019) - IF : 8.385 (Q1)
- P. Germain, A. Habrard, F. Laviolette, E. Morvant, PAC-Bayes and Domain Adaptation, Neurocomputing, vol. 379(), pp. 379- 397 (2020) - IF : 4.438 (Q1)
- S. Dhouib, I. Redko, C. Lartizien, Margin-aware Ad- versarial Domain Adaptation with Optimal Transport, Thirty-seventh International Conference on Machine Learning, Vienne, Austria (2020) - CORE Ranking : A*
- T. Kerdoncuff, R. Emonet, M. Sebban, Metric Learn- ing in Optimal Transport for Domain Adaptation, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Kyoto, Japan (2020) - CORE Ranking : A*
- Dulac, E. Gaussier, C. Largeron, Mixed-Membership Stochastic Block Models for Weighted Networks, Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), Toronto, Canada (2020) - CORE Ranking : A*
- V Titouan, I Redko, R Flamary, N Courty, CO-Optimal Transport, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33 (NeurIPS) (2020) - CORE Ranking : A*
- J. Tissier, C. Gravier, A. Habrard, Near-lossless Binariza- tion of Word Embeddings, 33rd AAAI Conference on Artifcial Intelligence (AAAI-19), Honolulu, HI, United States (2019) - CORE Ranking : A*
The SESAM team explores four main aspects of hardware security: (i) the random number generation and physical unclonable function implementation in logic devices, (ii) the design of hardware architectures resistant to passive and active cryptographic attacks, (iii) the secure implementations of post-quantum schemes, (iv) the security of systems on chip (SoC).
- L. Bossuet, C. Mancillas-Lopez, B. Ovilla-Martinez, Pipelined Hardware Implementation of COPA, ELmD, and COLM, IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 69(10), pp. 1533- 1543 (2020) - IF : 2.711
- E. Benhani, L. Bossuet, A. Aubert, The Security of ARM TrustZone in a FPGA-based SoC, IEEE Transactions on Computers, pp. 1-1 (2019) - IF : 3.131 (Q1)
- D. Bellizia, O. Bronchain, G. Cassiers, V. Grosso, C. Guo, C. Momin, O. Pereira, T. Peters, F. X. Standaert, Mode-Level vs. Implementation-Level Physical Security in Symmetric Cryptography A Practical Guide Through the Leakage-Resistance Jungle, Advances in Cryptology (CRYPTO) conference, Santa Barbabra, United States (2020) CORE Ranking : A*
- B. Colombier, N. Bochard, F. Bernard, L. Bossuet, Backtracking Search for Optimal Parameters of a PLL-based True Random Number Generator, 2020 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), pp. 1-6, Grenoble, France (2020) - GDR SoC2 Ranking : A*
- T. Simon, L. Batina, J. Daemen, V. Grosso, P. Massolino, K. Papagiannopoulos, F. Regazzoni, N. Samwel, Friet: an Authenticated Encryption Scheme with Built-in Fault Detection, Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT 202039th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Zagreb, Croatia, May 10–14, 2020, Proceedings (pp. 581-611). (2020) - CORE Ranking : A*
About the Laboratory
Laboratoire Hubert Curien
Pr. Florence GARRELIE
18 rue Pr. Benoît Lauras
F Building
42000 Saint-Etienne - FRANCE
Official website