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DENSIFY - Research project

Dense structures on the nanoscale

Post-doctoral fellow: Huu Dat NGUYEN


Extreme conditions (TPa, 105K) leading to extraordinary structural phases can be obtained using micro-explosions generated by focused ultrashort laser pulses in bulk materials. DENSIFY proposes an innovative irradiation design based on dispersion-engineered non-diffractive beams to create and observe new material structures, from high density vitreous phases to crystalline dense-packing in silica materials. Combining ultrafast nonequilibrium and thermomechanical constraints, we target the material change using space-time irradiation design, observation of structural dynamics, characterization of material phases and their mechanical assessment. Quantitative observation techniques are proposed to map in time matter evolution, with potential to identify the transformation drives. Mechanical performance of material forms will be evaluated with nano-mechanical tests and high resolution microscopy. We expect knowledge gain for material behaviors in extreme conditions that serve as marker for high-energy interactions and in developing strategies for material synthesis.
  • DENSIFY_Graphical abstract
    Graphical Abstract © Huu Dat Nguyen - LabHC
    DENSIFY_Graphical abstract
  • ProjetDensify_SEM Image of the structure with constraints
    SEM Image of the structure with constraints © Hubert Curien Laboratory
    ProjetDensify_SEM Image of the structure with constraints
  • ProjetDensify_Time resolved microscopy snapshots in PCM and QPM_1
    Time resolved microscopy snapshots in PCM and QPM © Hubert Curien Laboratory
    ProjetDensify_Time resolved microscopy snapshots in PCM and QPM_1
  • ProjetDensify_Time resolved microscopy snapshots in PCM and QPM_2
    Time resolved microscopy snapshots in PCM and QPM_2 © Hubert Curien Laboratory
    ProjetDensify_Time resolved microscopy snapshots in PCM and QPM_2

  • Razvan Stoian,Manoj Kumar Bhuyan, Anton Rudenko, Jean-Philippe Colombier and Guanghua Cheng, High-resolution material structuring using ultrafast laser non-diffractive beams - ADVANCES IN PHYSICS: X - 2019, VOL. 4, NO. 1, 1659180
  • Anton Rudenko, Jean-Philippe Colombier, Tatiana E. Itina, Razvan Stoian, Genesis of Nanogratings in Silica Bulk via Multipulse Interplay of Ultrafast Photo-Excitation and Hydrodynamics - Advanced Optical Materials 9 (20) (2021), 2100973

  • R. Stoian, Non-diffractive ultrafast laser beams for advanced material processing. FemtoMat, Mauterndorf, Austria, 16-18/03/2022
  • Huu Dat Nguyen et al., Dynamic observation of laser volume nanostructuring over the whole relaxation range, COLA, Matsue, Japan, 24 – 29 /04/2022
  • R. Stoian, Ultrafast non-diffractive beams with tunable dispersion; opportunities for smart laser material processing, ICLPR-ST, Bucarest, Romania, 7-10/06/2022