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REPLAY - SSE9 - Alessandro RIZZI
On The March 8, 2023
Missed a lecture during the 9th SLEIGHT Science Event ? Here is the replay!
Alessandro RIZZI, from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Milan, described how vision is spatial and why we cannot measure color or spectrum if our device has a lens.
Color is often considered as something that derives from the physical signal at the point. In reality it is generated by our vision system as response of something more complex. For practical and historical reasons colorimetry has been always based on strong simplifications and these simplifications have contributed to deeply fix the pointwise approach to color, and also our way to think about it. This talk presenedt some (probably unexpected) optical characteristics of our eye. Since it is a pretty poor camera, our vision has developed smart way to acquire visual information. Analyzing the generation of color sensation starting from our vision system, explain why our vision is spatial and ends in a series of important issues claimed in the title. We cannot measure color or spectrum if our device has a lens.
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