Antoine CARADOT received his Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Lyon in 2017. After passing the “agrégation” exam and teaching for a year, he then did two postdoctoral fellowships in China: the first one at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the second one at Henan University. Each position was for a duration of two years. Since the fall of 2024, he is a postdoctoral fellow at the Hubert Curien Laboratory working in collaboration with Marc SEBBAN and Amaury HABRARD in the project PIMALEA, project directed by Rémi EMONET.
Besides his enthusiasm for mathematics, he is also very interested in languages.


Since starting my Ph.D. in 2013, I have spent most of my academic time doing research within theoretical mathematics. With the PIMALEA project at the Hubert Curien Laboratory, I have the opportunity to work on PINNs (physics-informed neural networks), which present deep theorical questions as well as very interesting and subtle practical ones. Because of this, I am able to conduct applied research while preserving the mathematical flavour I am accustomed to. Hence, I am in an ideal environment to put my theoretical knowledge to use and apply it to solving differential problems through the training of neural networks. My objective is to improve the state of the art on the error bounds of PINNs and thus to participate in the advancement of the applications of machine learning.