Calls for proposals | Projets en cours

3rd Call for Thesis Certification: 6 projects co-funded in 2023

On The May 17, 2023

6 PhD theses are co-funded by the Graduate School after the 3rd Call for Thesis Certification

The Manutech-SLEIGHT's Scientific Committee selected 6 scientific projects to be co-funded in 2023. The Thesis Certification is a financial support for operational expenses to implement a thesis project.
  • LUMAUS (Axis #2)
    Light and mixed reality for visual assistance for the elderly

    Sofiane Vernet, PhD student (LabHC), is working under the supervision of Éric Dinet (LabHC), in partnership with two universities in Bangkok, Thailand and Chiba, Japan.
  • NANOVEC (Axis #1)
    3D nanostructuring of optical materials using automated vector laser beams

    Thirunaukkarasu Kuppan has been working on this project since the beginning of the year under the supervision of Razvan Stoian (LabHC).
  • PHOTOM (Axis #1)
    Photonics-guided machine learning

    Fayad Ali Banna, PhD student at the Hubert Curien lab, has been working with Jean-Philippe Colombier (LabHC) and Marc Sebban (LabHC)
  • PRECOPLAD (Axis #3)
    Prediction of laser-printed multidimensional colours on plasmonic metamaterials using deep learning and adaptative strategies

    Thibault Girardin is working under the supervision of Nathalie Destouches at the Hubert Curien lab.
  • RMLDM (Axis #2)
    Representation and Machine Learning with Missing Data
    Richard Serrano works under the supervision of Christine Largeron at the Hubert Curien lab, in partnership with the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute – Alberta University, USA