Internship | Stage Master 2

MatéIS and iP2i - Internship offer

On The October 4, 2023

LMA-treated ITM mirror suspended in the Advanced LIGO interferometer - Advanced LIGO
LMA-treated ITM mirror suspended in the Advanced LIGO interferometer - Advanced LIGO

The MatéIS lab and ip2i are seeking an second year master student to work at the LMA platform

The MatéIS lab (Materials: Engineering and Science) and the iP2i (Institute of Physics of the 2 Infinites) are seeking a motivated 2nd year master student for an internship at the LMA platform (Advanced Materials Laboratory). The student will work on "Correlative light scattering - electron microscopy analysis of the point-like defects into optical coatings".

This internship is in the framework of the X-LOSM project selected by the ANR (French national research agency). The project has already a 3-year PhD funding available, potentially for the student selected.

Duration: 3 to 6 months depending on Master
Internship level: Master 2
Supervisors: Karine Masenelli-Varlot (MatéIS) - Benoît Sassolas (LMA-IP2I)
Email: ;

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