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SSE #14 - Metallic and metallized surfaces: innovating methods of functionalization and characterization


The Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School will hold its 14th SLEIGHT Science Event from June 30th to July 2nd, 2025 in Saint-Etienne (Telecom Saint Etienne Building, Campus Manufacture), bringing together researchers and students from the Saint-Etienne Lyon site. The speakers will focus on the topic of "Metallic and metallized surfaces: innovating methods of functionalization and characterization".


Chair Scientific: Mathieu HEBERT (IOGS, Lab. Hubert Curien)
Olivier BEUF (Co-leader of Sc. Axis 2 - CNRS - Lab. CREATIS)
Andras BORBELY (Co-leader of Sc. Axis 1 - Mines Saint-Etienne - LGF)
Florent BOURQUARD (Co-chair de la session « jeunes chercheurs »- UJM – Lab. Hubert Curien)
Jean-Philippe COLOMBIER (Leader of Sc. Axis 1 - UJM - Lab. Hubert Curien)
Laurent DUBOST (Co-leader of Sc. Axis 3 - IREIS-HEF Groupe)
Laurent GREMILLARD (Co-leader of Sc. Axis 1 - CNRS - Lab. MATEIS)
Donata IANDOLO (Co-chair de la session « jeunes chercheurs »- INSERM – Lab. SAINBIOSE)
Yves JOURLIN (Co-leader of Sc. Axis 3 - UJM - Lab. Hubert Curien)
Guilhem MOLLON (Co-leader of Sc. Axis 2 - INSA Lyon - Lab. LAMCOS)
Marc SEBBAN (Leader of Sc. Axis 2 – UJM – Lab. Hubert Curien)
Laurence VICO (Leader of Sc. Axis 3 - INSERM - Lab. SAINBIOSE)

More information coming soon...