MSc in Optics, Image, Vision, Multimedia (OIVM)
iPSRS - Intelligent Photonics for Security, Reliability, Sustainability and Safety
- PSRS - Partner universities
- RADMEP - Radiation and its Effects on MicroElectronics and Photonics Technologies
- COSI - Computational Colour and Spectral Imaging
- IMLEX - Imaging & Light in Extended Reality
- AIMA - Advanced Imaging & Material Appearance
- PE - Photonics Engineering
iPSRS - Intelligent Photonics for Security, Reliability, Sustainability and Safety
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The SLEIGHT Science Events
- SSE #13 - SLEIGHT in 2025
- SSE #12 - Imaging in Manutech-SLEIGHT
- SSE #11 - SLEIGHT in 2024
- SSE #10 - Sustainable Surface Engineering
- SSE #09 - SLEIGHT in 2023
- SSE #08 - Photonics for Health
- SSE #07 - SLEIGHT in 2022
- SSE #06 - Machine Learning
- SSE #05 - SLEIGHT in 2021
- SSE #03 - SLEIGHT in 2020
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- SSE #01 - Topics and stakeholders
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SSE #13 - SLEIGHT in 2025
The Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School will hold its 13th SLEIGHT Science Event from January, 9 to 14th 2025 in Saint-Etienne (Telecom Saint Etienne Building, Campus Manufacture), gathering researchers and students from the Saint-Etienne/Lyon site. The speakers will focus on all the topics of the Manutech-SLEIGHT Graduate School (Surface Engineering, Optics-Photonics, Material physics and Mechanics, Image and data Science, Bio-engineering).
- Chair Scientific : Pierre CHAVEL (Head of the Manutech-SLEIGHT Educational Committee - IOGS)
- Olivier BEUF (Co-leader of Sc. Axis 2 - CNRS - Lab. CREATIS)
- Laurence VICO (Leader of Sc. Axis 3 - Inserm - Lab. SAINBIOSE)
- Andras BORBELY (Co-leader of Sc. Axis 1 - Mines Saint-Etienne - LGF)
- Florent BOURQUARD (Co-chair of the Poster session - UJM - Lab. Hubert Curien)
- Jean-Philippe COLOMBIER (Leader of Sc. Axis 1 - UJM - Lab. Hubert Curien)
- Laurent DUBOST (Co-leader of Sc. Axis 3 - IREIS-HEF Groupe)
- Laurent GREMILLARD (Co-leader of Sc. Axis 1 - CNRS - Lab. MATEIS)
- Donata IANDOLO (Co-chair of the Poster session - Inserm - Lab. SAINBIOSE)
- Yves JOURLIN (Co-leader of Sc. Axis 3 - UJM - Lab. Hubert Curien)
- Guilhem MOLLON (Co-leader of Sc. Axis 2 - INSA Lyon - Lab. LAMCOS)
- François JACQUENET (Chair of Pitch session - UJM Lab. Hubert Curien)
- Marc SEBBAN (Leader of Sc. Axis 2 - UJM - Lab. Hubert Curien)
The Graduate School would like to thank Télécom Saint-Etienne for lending us their amphitheatre for the event.
This winter edition allows master students, PhD students, young scientists, academic and private researchers of the Graduate School’s consortium to discover the state of research in physics, optics-photonics, laser engineering, materials science, image science, data science, mechanics and bioengineering. The aim of the SLEIGHT Science Event is to strengthen the links between education and research activities among its members and in their scientific communities worldwide. The guest speakers of this 13th edition will give high-level courses while allowing students to discover new subjects.
The guest speakers of the SLEIGHT Science Event #13 :
- Hugues Berry (Research Director, Inria Lyon, Project-Team AlstroSight): "Using simulation-based methods to characterize the dance of molecules in living cells"
- David Grojo (Research Director, CNRS, Aix-Marseille University): "New dimensions open to ultrafast laser material processing"
- Maxime Moreaud (Research Engineer, IFPEN): "AI: demystification and illustrations for imaging"
- Christelle Der Loughian (Assistant professor, INSA Lyon): "Development and evaluation of biomaterials at the interface between and physics"
Dedicated sessions
- On Tursday 9th and Friday 10th, master students will compete in the Pitch session, a challenge that prepares them for their future career based on work done in their directed research projects. The best pitch will be awarded on Tuesday 14th at noon.
- A Poster session, organised in a friendly set up, will allow each member of the consortium to present their ongoing work (master students, master internship, PhD thesis, technological platform, etc.). The best presentations will be awarded on Tuesday 14th at noon.
- The Manutech-SLEIGHT student association will host a fun activity related to the OPTICA and SPIE Student Chapters during the poster session. The details of this session are coming.
- To bring up interaction between scientists and students, researchers and PhD students from the 3 scientific axes (15 speakers) will meet and discuss ongoing works and future collaborations (scientific workshops on Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th. We have the pleasure to invite two internationally recognized lecturers: Nikzad Motamedi from IMT Nord Europe (Lille-Douai) and Mahmoud Elsawy from INRIA Research Center Côte d'Azur (Valbonne).
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