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Thesis Defenses
COUPLES project: Julie Dutems (Hubert Curien laboratory) defended her thesis in Saint-Etienne
On The July 6, 2023
Julie Dutems, PhD student at the Hubert Curien lab working on the COUPLES research project, is now a doctor!
Julie Dutems defended her PhD thesis on July 6th, at the end of the 10th SLEIGHT Science Event. The jury awarded her her doctorate for her work the COUPLES research project (Thin passive films characterization by surface plasmon resonance).

Julie Dutems (Hubert Curien lab) got her PhD during the SSE10 - Her (left) and her thesis jury - © UJM
In order to protect metals from environmental damages like oxidation, the growth of thin passive films on the metal surface during an electrochemical process is a well-known and well-controlled technique. However, there is uncertainty about the thickness and the refractive index of these passive films. The idea of the project is to implement an optical method, the surface plasmon resonance (SPR), in order to have an in-situ technique to characterise the passive film.
The research team working on COUPLES published an article in Optics Letters (Vol. 48) :
In order to protect metals from environmental damages like oxidation, the growth of thin passive films on the metal surface during an electrochemical process is a well-known and well-controlled technique. However, there is uncertainty about the thickness and the refractive index of these passive films. The idea of the project is to implement an optical method, the surface plasmon resonance (SPR), in order to have an in-situ technique to characterise the passive film.
The research team working on COUPLES published an article in Optics Letters (Vol. 48) :
- 12 FEB6 Manutech-SLEIGHT-funded projects are now completed
Vincent Duveiller, Samaneh Choupani, Eduardo Brandao, Steve Papa, Rehan Jhuboo and Ilemona Sunday Omeje have defended their thesis and completed their project.
- 12 FEBEMIL: Ilemona OMEJE (LabHC) defended his thesis on February 12th, 2024
Ilemona Sunday OMEJE, former PhD student at the Hubert Curien laboratory, sucessfully defended his thesis!
- 10 JANMALBOT: Rehan JHUBOO (LabHC) defended his thesis during the SSE#11
Rehan Jhuboo, former PhD student at the Hubert Curien laboratory, sucessfully defended his thesis!